Here’s a Green Cleaning Janitorial Service That Will Put a Big Smile On Your Face!
Here’s why it’s important; Government sponsored studies show that up to 50% of all Illness is caused by polluted indoor air!
And the plain and simple truth of the matter is that “green cleaning” actually costs less than standard janitorial services.
Did You Know?
Did you know that green cleaning actually cost less than standard janitorial services?
Here’s why it’s important; Government sponsored studies show that up to 50% of all Illness is caused by polluted indoor air!
Here’s a question to consider. How many hours a day do you spend in the office? How many hours a week? How many hours a month? How many hours a year? If you add up the hours you can see why indoor air quality is so important to your health.
Most Americans average over 90% of their time indoors. How do you rank against these statistics? It’s a no-brainer really. Good clean air and water are necessary for good health. Polluted air and water lead to health problems.
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (E.P.A.), indoor air pollution ranks among the top five environmental risks to public health. Their statistics show that levels of many airborne indoor pollutants may be 100% to 10,000% greater than that of regular outdoor air. In other words, the air in your office is making you sick! The more time you spend indoors, the sicker you may become.
And the plain and simple truth of the matter is that “green cleaning” actually costs less than standard janitorial services.
Here are just a few benefits of non-toxic, green cleaning services for you to consider.
#1 Less Illness
There is a growing mountain of evidence from the Environmental Protection Agency, The Center for Disease Control and The American Lung Association proving that to be healthy, you have to eliminate toxins and the more toxins you eliminate the healthier you’ll be.
Our immune systems are compromised through toxic build up making us susceptible to illnesses we would have otherwise shrugged off. The process of cleaning can be very toxic. It can contribute to poor indoor air quality and aggravate allergies and asthma. But it doesn’t have to if non-toxic products and processes are used.
#2 Better Attendance
There have been many studies by various nonprofits and government agencies demonstrating the health benefits gained from non-toxic green cleaning practices and products. One of our favorite news stories is the experience of a school district in Syracuse, New York. This school district adopted a clean for health program that consisted of using only non-toxic cleaning products and ultrahigh filtration vacuums that were used on all floor surfaces, both carpeted and hard surfaced floors. The results were amazing but typical of the experiences of other school districts that have since followed their lead. The district experienced an 11.17% improvement in attendance (district average) the first year after implementing the “green cleaning for health” program. Keep in mind that the students weren’t aware of the changes in the cleaning program and couldn’t have cared less about the results of the test. And even though the students spent only a limited time each day at school, the change was significant enough to show up in the attendance statistics. Can you imagine what would have happened if these changes had been implemented in the homes of the students as well?
#3 Higher Productivity
Employees do their best work when they feel good. If they’re annoyed with an allergy related headache or breathing difficulties the quality of their work will diminish. If they’re doped up on allergy medication they’re work will be compromised. Productivity is directly related to how we feel. The better we feel, the more productive we’ll be. The healthier our offices are, the healthier our staff will be.
#4 Better Office Image and Appearance
There’s a phenomenon known to professional cleaners as the clean syndrome. It goes like this. When a public restroom is perfectly clean, its visitors seem to take care to be neat and clean themselves. But when the restroom gets a little dirty then peoples take far less care and its condition deteriorates quickly. If a restroom is allowed to get really dirty then people get downright destructive. Another factor to consider is that an office cleaned with ultra-high filtration, high airflow vacuums will be less dusty than offices cleaned with typical commercial upright vacuums. Clean offices stay clean longer.
#5 Peace of Mind
The incidence of asthma, allergies and cancer are growing rapidly. Experts agree that the increases in these maladies are directly related to the health of our indoor environments. It’s nice to know that we’re doing everything we can to clean these environments up and make sure we don’t contribute to polluting the air and water that gives us life.