No Mission, No Mission Statement
How would you like to have a Building Maintenance Service you don’t have to micro-manage?
Many businesses have been through so many services that they wonder if they’ll ever find one that can provide competent cleaning services over a long period of time.
They’re tired of empty promises and the quality roller coaster they’ve experienced with so many janitorial services in the past.

Here’s Another of the Many Reasons Why So Many Building Maintenance Services Fail
It is very inexpensive to start a janitorial company on a small scale. Because the cost of entry is so low, the business is attractive to a lot of people who may know very little about running a business professionally.
A company that provides great service over a long period of time has a well defined Company Mission Statement and is built on a solid foundation of Guiding Value and Belief Statements.
Most janitorial service providers have never taken the time to articulate their mission or their guiding values and beliefs. Yet without the right target, success in anything is unlikely.

One essential ingredient …
One essential ingredient to a successful office cleaning company is a well thought out mission statement that has been communicated throughout the organization.The company mission statement should define the purpose of the business and guide the foundational values and beliefs. The mission statement defines what the company will do and how they will do it.
A company that hasn’t taken the time to articulate their mission in writing probably hasn’t taken the time to write down their processes, their policies or their business philosophies either.

What Is a Mission Statement?
A Mission Statement defines the reason a business exists. It defines the purpose of a business and how the business will serve the community. It serves to focus the executives and the staff on the targets the company is trying to hit.
It helps prevent the company from getting off track into side ventures that would take away from the core business of the company. If a company determines it will enter into another area of service the mission statement will need to be updated to reflect the new mission.

What Are Value Statements?
Where a mission statement defines the major purpose of a business, written values define how the mission will be carried out. They address issues like honesty, integrity and ethics.
While a mission statement defines what a business will do, the value statements define what a company will not do.
What Are Belief Statements?
Belief statements help define the self-image of a business. These are things that a company chooses to believe about itself and determines to live up to.
Benefits of a Building Maintenance Service With a Strong Mission and Defined Values:
#1: Better Cleaning Personnel
When an employee goes to work for a Building Maintenance Service that knows what they will do, what they will not do and how they want to be viewed in the marketplace, the employee knows how they will fit or not fit into the organization. If a Building Maintenance Service is serious about fulfilling its predetermined mission, values and beliefs it won’t keep personnel that don’t support these directives. That means better staff to serve the clients of the building maintenance service.
#2 Better Customer Service
Great customer service begins with an attitude of service. When a Building Maintenance Service has written out how they will service their clients and the community, it serves as a foundation for excellent customer service. The value and belief statements let the customer service agents know how far the building maintenance service intends to go in order to satisfy their clients needs and requests.
If working with a janitorial Service with sound Mission, Values and Beliefs makes sense so far …
That’s so true. When a commercial cleaning company determines what they will do, what they won’t do and how things will be done, they’ve predetermined their own standards.
Those standards then become the standards for everyone in the company. Those that fail to embrace those standards don’t get to stay because they don’t help the building maintenance service achieve their mission.
In The End The Customer Is The Big winner!
Now that makes a lot of sense doesn’t it? If you’re considering a new janitorial service, I would strongly suggest that you begin by asking each candidate about their Company’s Mission Statement.
Then ask if they have written value and belief statements. This will let you know a lot about the management and the vision of those that actually run the service.
I also suggest that you request a janitorial proposal from Delta Janitorial Systems. We have a clearly defined mission statement and we’ve refined our value and belief statements over the years.

In The End The Customer Is The Big winner!
How’s Your Current Office Cleaning Company Doing?
If you are tired of micromanaging an inconsistent office cleaning company, give yourself a break and call Delta Janitorial Systems, Inc. today. There’s simply no reason to tolerate poor or inconsistent Service. The permanent solution is here.
We have implemented this simple satisfaction guarantee: With Delta Janitorial Systems, Inc. you only pay for services that are completed to your satisfaction. If there is a deficiency in the service you receive from Delta Janitorial Systems, Inc, we want to know about it.
We will, of course, resolve the deficiency, but in addition to that we will never charge you for work that is not completed to your standards and to your complete satisfaction. That’s the Delta 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!